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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2013 6:00am-6:31am PDT

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even 25 years. i know the sfmta staff has been working with this project. i know this was an idea how to augment public dollars and, of course, our faithful public-private partnerships. i'd like to give the transportation authority and the sfmta time to report back to the committee on the the projects and particularly one the proposed development at pier thirty and 32 and the wall project. although much of the development is happening in the city it truly impacts every neighborhood in san francisco. we're generating new property tax revenue and creating thousands of new jobs meeting
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the service needs downtown whether it's transporting workers downtown to their job is a priority for the whole city. i shouldn't have to reiterate the need we are running at capacity and we must increase and accent our cities infrastructure. we did request this at the full transportation authority because we believe that many of our colleagues would be interested in this. i want to recognize that commissioner weaning has submitted a letter to this effect as well as and i look forward to working with all the offices in this issue >> thank you commissioner weaning. >> thank you chair avalos i want to add myself as a co-sponsor and i look forward to work together to make sure we're addressing this need.
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we held at the land use committee the population growth in the city including the waterfront and upper market which relies on the subway and whether we need to keep up with that in the future. we know what we need to know at least in general and it's but it requires political choices in terms of that funding. so, you know, this is why as developments move through this board that are not paying impact fees or are paying low impact fees or is a plan area which dramatically impacts the fees that, you know, these are the things that the choices we need
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to make in terms of even if funding especially the state of the repair of the system. we're coming towards the tail end of the mayors transportations task force which i think has been a good process and there's some good ideas on the table to significantly increase funding for transportation and particularly for expanding service capacity on existing lines and having vehicles that are in good state of repair. and as a process terms and becomes into the board of supervisors slash mta arena i hope we'll keep in mind the importance of what imperative kim said because it hit the nail on the head. we'll have a real problem in the future if we are not ready for
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the infrastructure there will be needing a lot of funds for the repair of the system. i think it's incredibly important we resist that attempts and we keep up with the needs of all our residents because when we have problems on the waterfront or the subway system with minnesota it ripples throughout the entire city to every reach to the ocean and i look forward to that conversation. >> thank you commissioner weaning. any member of the must be wish to commit seeing none, public comment is closed >> item 12 public comment. >> public comment is open for any member of the public to
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commit. seeing none, public comment is closed >> our next item and a next item is adjournment. >> we are adjourned.
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>> >> good morning, everyone and welcome to our september meeting. i am chair wilson today and we have acting chair, miss kostanian. i think she's going to try to figure her microphones out. do you have it? okay. we are going to let miss kostanian get started and we will start with the reading of the introductions from harriet.
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good afternoon and welcome to the mayor's disability council this friday september 20, 2013. in room 400 of san francisco city hall. city hall is accessible to those with wheelchair and other devices. wheelchair access is provided at the grov van ness and mccaller street. the entrance is temporarily interrupted due to chairlift repairs. we appreciate your patience at this time and ask you to use the many other entrances when entering city hall. our meeting is open captioned and sign language interpreted. our agendas are also available in large print and braille. please ask the staff for any
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additional assistance. to prevent electronic sound system and to respect everyone's ability to focus on the presentation, please turn off all cell phones or set these devices to vibrate mode. your cooperation is appreciated. we welcome the public's participation during public comment. you may complete a speakers card available in the front of the room or call our bridge line. 5549632. where staff will handle the appropriate time to speak. mayor's disability meeting is friday of each month. the next meeting is october 13, 2013, from 1:00-4:00 at san
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francisco city hall in room 400. please call the mayor's disability office for more information. or411 554-6799 t ty. a reminder to all of our guest today to speak slowly into microphone to assist our captioners and interpreters. we thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. and now roll call. >> chair adele wilson, cochair, kostanian, present, councilmember sarah burgett, absent. council den
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ny's, councilmember chip supanich, wong, wong has an excused absence. >> thank you very much. now, we'll have the reading and approval of the agenda. >> item 1. welcome introduction roll call. item 2, action item and reading and approval of the agenda. >> item 3. public comment. >> item 4, information item. report from the chair. >> item 5. discussion and
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possible action item. maishs disability council bylaws amendments. discussion of possible amendments to article two, section 4 of the mayers disability council's bylaws making attendance at the executive committee meetings mandatory establishing attendance standards and ability to attend council proceedings via conference phone or bridge line. >> item 6. information item, accessibility of the san francisco public library system. presentation by marty god ard. accessible services manager, san francisco public library. >> item 7. action item. co-chair election. in
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correspondence with the mayor's disability council bylaws article iii, section 1 #shgs there shall be two cochairs elected to serve as officers of the council and elections will be staggered by at least three months. the present election will be to fill the vacancy due to cochair james resignation. >> break. item 8, information item, san francisco ada transition plan for curb ramps progress update and future projects presentation by ken spiel man, project manager, san francisco department of public works. public comment is welcome. >> item 9. information item san francisco municipal transportationation program updates. parra transit program
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updates presentation by kate tore an, nul >> item 10. information item, report from the director of the mayor's office and disability. >> item 11: information item. report from the disability disaster preparedness committee. >> item 12: public comment. item is not on today's agenda with the jurisdiction mdc. >> 13. information item correspondence. >> i would like to put this off until next month until further investigation. i don't need to second it. i'm just putting this one off as
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chair until further investigation. so, can we have the agenda read again and maybe we can get a second? >> you can make the motion, but it must be seconded once it's on the floor in order for the council to vote on it. >> i don't think it needs to be a motion. as chair, i can have an item removed from the agenda. we have the rules of order. i received a phone call from an a councilmember. if we want to discuss it here, we can do that. but there is some misconduct in voting and i would like to have an investigation or we can talk
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about it in executive meeting or we can talk about it up here. >> excuse me, adele, go ahead and make the motion. >> i motion that we take this off the agenda until further investigation. >> okay. so if further investigation is needed then i second the motion. >> may an ask a question? >> when did you receive this phone call? >> i don't want to discuss that right now and i don't have to. all i can say is we've had a second on the motion, you have a question, i don't think this is the time and place to get into this. >> we are just having a discussion of the motion, not a discussion of the content of the irregularity. generally, the chair would
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discuss with staff taking off, amended the agenda prior to the meeting. i was just wondering about the timing and now we have everyone's mind racing what's up. >> exactly. at executive meeting at get a third party. i think we need a third party which is an investigation as i was saying. so, it's two parties, here. so we need an investigation. we have an agenda today. so i think we need to move on with the meeting. thank you very much. >> can we have the agenda read again? >> the clerk: item 1 #shgs welcome introduction and roll
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call. item 2, action item. reading approval of the agenda. >> item 3. public comment. >> items not on today's agenda. each speaker is limited to three minutes. >> item 4, information item. report from the chair. >> item 5, discussion and possible action item. mayor's disability council bylaw amendment discussion of changes to buy law. mandatory establishing attendance standards and ability to attend council proceedings via conference phone or bridge line. >> item 6: information item. san francisco public like system. presentation by
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marty goddard. san francisco public library. public comment is welcome. break. the council will take a 10 minute break. >> item 8. information item. san francisco's ada transition plan for curb ram ps, progress updates and future projects. presentation by ken spiel man, project manager san francisco department of public works. >> public comment is welcome come. item 9: information item, san francisco mta program updates. progress update on accessible key stop for the light rail system. presentation by annette
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william. item 10. information item. report from the director of the mayor's office of disability. >> item 11. information item. report from the disability disaster preparedness committee. >> item 12. public comment. >> item 13, correspondence. item 14. discussion item. councilmember comments and announcements. >> item 15. adjourn. >> do i have a second with having just briefly said that item 7 has been taken off with the motion and harriet second it? do i have a motion to approve the agenda? thank you.
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>> motion needs to be voted on. it's been seconded now it needs a vote. >> okay. let's vote. the approval of the agenda. we have a vote. tonya, i approve. tonya. denise? chip? >> i don't approve it. >> harriet? >> yet, let's go forward. >> we have three that say yes and two no. we will move forward. >> line 3, public comment, please. public comment nod on today's agenda but with the jurisdiction. each speaker is limited to three minutes.3 minutes. m dc
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>> howard chapman? >> good afternoon, councilmembers. i can't see the timer. can someone move this so i can see the timer. good afternoon. i want to talk very briefly about a few items related to the city 's cars and pedestrian safety over bicycles. i sent several things about the masonic which will remove a lot of parking and reduce the number of traffic lanes during rush hour and will create congestion and hardship for many people in the neighborhood. particularly,
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seniors, disabled people, people with small businesses, and people with children and so forth. i'm involved in the campaign against this project and we have a welcome back sight save i invite everyone to go to the website and find out more information and we have an online petition where you can petition from the website. we have almost a thousand signatures in about 6 weeks plus 150 hard copy signatures and then various other hard copy signatures. almost 1200 people opposed to this project. i think the clock still hasn't started. it's not showing here. anyway. that's the same there is a similar on polk street that would remove a lot of parking that makes it hard
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for people. that one is save polk the other thing is throughout the city, munis, mta is removing parking spaces and trying to put more and more meters. we have a friend in his 80s who is an accomplished photographer. he had a studio in the mission. he gave up his studio recently in large part because parking has become so difficult there. i should also add that he used to be able to take one bus to get from where he lives to a studio in the mission, now it requires three buses. so whether it's parking or buses, things have become too difficult for him. this is an example of what munis or mta is doing to harm people. finally i would
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like to, again something i have talked about many times, as a pedestrian i live on fell street. and there is bicycles zooming all the time. there is a nice paved path in the panhandle about 50 feet away. just yesterday as i was locking my door, two bicycles within about three men's zoomed by the sidewalk and i have written the mta about this and it does not seem to be a priority to protect pedestrians from cyclist. thank you very much. >> hi. i'm here and thank you
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for letting me speak. i'm here to make announcements to talk about activities that will interest the disabled. we have a guide dog event. bring your dog to our community garden right across from the lighthouse at 165 grove. we are going to provide refreshments for the entire guide, the human and the k9 guide and the money we raise will be used to start a fund for people who have guide dogs, who have extreme veterinary bills and are low income. not all guide
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dog schools pay the veterinary bills. we want to make sure these guides have the care they need. the second item is the lighthouse is a lighthouse for the vision impaired is an annual walk. it's on october 15th, have extreme veterinary bills and are low income. not all guide dog schools pay the veterinary bills. we want to make sure these guides have the care they need. the second item is the lighthouse is a lighthouse for the vision impaired is an annual walk. it's on october 15th, from 1:00-230.: the purpose of this national event is to raise awareness and to raise the accomplishment of the community. we are hoping the community comes out as well to strengthen the message and heighten awareness. we are
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going to see if you are cited and would like to join us we are going to do human guide as well so you can experience a sleep shade. we'll put you on a sleep shade and we'll do some guiding and this will bring a lot more awareness to what the white cane can do for us. afterwards we'll have snacks. we can't have something without snacks. i think that's it. i hope you will join us. let me give you my e-mail address and my phone number to contact me. my phone number is4155 694-7322. e-mail is: bbereson at i
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home many people as possible can make it. what do i need to repeat? >> your information slowly. >> my e-mail address is: bberenson @ phone number:
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415-694-7322. thank you. >> morton b smith. >> my purpose for being here today is to get an agenda item put on the agenda talking about the 311 calls coming in for the hearing impaired. one of our members was mentioned that he had trouble getting 32 you to them and had trouble communicating over the system and it was antiquated. if we can get an agenda item put on the agenda for the disability council that are trying to upgrade the 311 to more modern service. it's about 10 years
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behind. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill raise, people with disabilities foundation. and april. do you want to come together or separate ? we'll separate them. this is april. people with disabilities foundation. >> hi. >> can you hear me now? >> good afternoon, cochairs and council members. my name is april pangea and a manager for public awareness with the disabilities foundation. it's a non-profit with the san francisco center that provides education and advocacy for people with psychiatric and